Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Photo Tip

Neil Turner at DP Review recommends finding different heights to shoot from - 'The best photographs are made when the photographer chooses a vantage point to suit the subject, and it is surprising how few subjects are suited by the height of a human standing at their full five to six feet'.

So take a second and think about your photographs. Look at the pictures you have taken so far this year. From what angle were they taken? Are they all from a full standing position? Change the paradigm. Take pictures sitting down, lying on the floor, standing on chairs, even on a ladder.

But be careful. For the first few days after you do this, you may come back with pictures taken from the oddest angles imaginable. The key is not to do it all at once but to just think about how a picture might look if taken from another angle.

Remember, take LOTS of shots of an event. Digital photography is FREE... If you don't like an image you simply delete it later. So why take one shot of a play, meeting or event when there is a good chance that it might not be what you want later on your layout. Instead, take a few 'safe shots'. Then think of new views from which you can capture the moment.

Happy shooting!

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