Thursday, April 2, 2009

Branding: Project 3

Select a product...

American Eagle Jeans

Ray Ban Sunglasses

Mountain Dew Livewire

1- Find and save an image of your product and upload it as a comment with the following questions.

2- Find five examples of advertisements for your product. Save these ads in a folder and refer to them to answer the following.

3- Describe what your product actually.

4- Describe how they are branding the product. What are they really selling? What is the image? How is that different than what the product truly is?

5- What slogans or text are on your ads? Type it all in.

6- What images are on the ads. We specific. Describe them with adjectives. Paint a mental picture with your words.

7- Plan an ad of your own that we will start on Friday.

1 comment:

KaYlEe MaRiE said...

3- Describe what your product actually.
my product is Fox Racing Gear

4- Describe how they are branding the product. What are they really selling? What is the image? How is that different than what the product truly is?
They are really selling racing gear. The image they give is one of successful riders wearing their gear. Having freedom and winning. The difference is.. it's reacing gear.. it won't make the difference only you will

5- What slogans or text are on your ads? Type it all in.
"Mission Accomplished"

6- What images are on the ads.
The images on the ads are of people and the gear. The ads show freedom, rejoice, passion, strength, capability, talent, open spaces, all the things a great rider would need. Fox Riders Co. is selling their product as one that will give you what you need to be a successful racer.!!!!